This week, meet two very different Canadian comics who used their fame, wit and creativity to remind us all that there’s nothing wrong with finding either humour or pride in the simple act of being Canadian.
And, as an added...
So we got a visit from Brian Mulroney last week.
That kind of a sentence carries a vastly different flavour than it did only 25 years ago, when Bruce MacKinnon summed up a Prime Ministerial arrival in Nova Scotia with...
At a certain point, the dramatic turn of events surrounding the Strait area’s recent municipal and school board elections defies description.
We now have three new mayors and we’ll soon see a minimum of two new wardens sworn in. Three...
I wasn’t expecting to find anything compelling in the latest craze to sweep the Internet, the “Three Fictional Characters” meme that encourages Twitter and Facebook participants to post images of the three imaginary icons that best represent themselves.
When it...