PORT HAWKESBURY: Despite a recent funding shortfall that resulted in the late-December dissolution of a community outreach and support worker post overseen by the Richmond County Literacy Network (RCLN), officials in Port Hawkesbury are still willing to work with...
PORT HASTINGS: The Strait regional school board (SRSB) is now targeting early March for the formal movement of its operations from the board’s current central office in Port Hastings to the SAERC high school site in Port Hawkesbury.
The board’s...
GUYSBOROUGH: Municipal council is taking the next step in establishing a new recreation facility for the area.
Warden Vernon Pitts said the Municipality of the District of Guysborough (MODG) will issue a call for tenders for the proposed Chedabucto Lifestyle...
PORT HAWKESBURY: Two developments that could impact the future operation of mobile food vendors and similar developments within the town boundaries are set to reach the town council table within the coming days.
Deputy Mayor Trevor Boudreau confirmed this week...
ARICHAT: Officials in Richmond County are looking into new provincial funding opportunities to bolster cell and Internet signals in a pair of long-time trouble spots, while simultaneously pledging to look into all parts of the county that have experienced...
BADDECK: The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is embarking on its first large-scale conservation project in Cape Breton, with the goal of protecting 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) of ecologically-significant land in the central part of the island over the...
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was changed from the version which appeared in the January 11 edition of The Reporter and which was then posted on-line. The segment which required correction is below in bold type.
MONASTERY: After surviving a...
PORT HOOD: The impact of Mother Nature’s bad side was discussed during Inverness Municipal Council’s monthly meeting on Monday.
“People are concerned with coastal erosion,” said Warden Betty Anne MacQuarrie, who serves as the council person for Mabou and Port...
UPPER BIG TRACADIE: The federal government has agreed to financially assist the Desmond family following last week’s triple murder suicide in Guysborough County, which is also the subject of a provincial investigation.
On January 3, Antigonish RCMP confirmed four people...
ANTIGONISH: Central Supplies owner Steve Smith announced his decision to sell to the Kent Building Supplies organization, effective December 31.
The year 2015 marked the 40th anniversary of Central Supplies, but Smith pointed to changes in the home improvement industry.