I would like to thank Nicole Fawcett for highlighting in her opinion piece (July 3) about phone service that Fibre Optic does not work during power outages.  We just switched and are very happy...
On July 9, Leader of the Official Opposition Zach Churchill and MLA Rafah DiCostanzo joined breast cancer advocates at a rally at Province House to call on the Houston government to provide supplementary screening to Nova Scotians...
We had a dog named Luna and a cat named Trouble. I’m not sure if you ever get over losing wonderful pets. Luna was a Jackshit. Part Jack Russell, part Shizuo....
It has been over seven months since Israel launched its military siege on Gaza, which has killed over 35,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, with at least another 7,000 missing or under the rubble. Israel...
The province has increased the fine for violating the daily burn restrictions to $25,000, effective, May 16. #FireworksHurt requests the media’s help to remind Nova Scotians that if the daily burn map is red,...
An Atlantic Municipal survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) found that six out of 10 small businesses do not think their municipality prioritizes small business needs and issues. This sentiment is particularly noticeable during...
The forecast for the May long weekend wasn’t great. Rain and showers. It was not a surprise as I remember a lot more rainy May long weekends then fine weather ones. After our typically...
By Dave MacNeil There were few things during my childhood that heralded the coming of spring quite like the changing of the cardboard in our front porch. For those not old...
Many of us prefer to think that we are quite capable of surviving on our own; however, that is not how we have evolved. All living things need assistance to exist. When we pare that thought down...
Everyone is feeling the pinch of the rising cost of living right now, including seniors. This tax season, we want to highlight the different tax credits and benefits available to Canadian seniors that can help put more...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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