NEW GLASGOW: Central Nova MP Sean Fraser will be hosting a series of nine in-person pre-budget consultations. These include a session on November 8 at The People’s Place Library in Antigonish, with the Antigonish Chamber of Commerce and businesses at...
LOUISDALE: On September 24, members of the Louisdale Lions Club, and several guests from other community organizations, gathered to celebrate  their 47th annual Charter Night at the Louisdale Lions Den. The evening began with the serving of a delicious turkey...
HALIFAX: Five winners were awarded Efficiency Nova Scotia’s Bright Business awards last week. The Municipality of the District of Guysborough (MODG) took home the Community Award. The Community Award recognizes a Nova Scotia community that has excelled in energy efficiency...
CANSO: The Canso Lions Clubs’ fall activities are underway and supported by the induction of two new members. On October 19, King Lion Janet Delorey welcomed Dave and Roberta Parker to the Canso Lions Club. New Lion Dave will begin...
MULGRAVE: The Mulgrave Volunteer Fire Department presented local groups each with a cheque for $1,000 from the profits made from their Chase the Ace fundraiser. Instead of starting the next game of Chase the Ace with a higher amount, the...
JUDIQUE: Tartan Gardens has been named a “150th Celebration Gardens” by the Canadian Garden Council in collaboration with Vesey’s Bulbs of PEI – in celebration of Canada’s sesquicentennial in 2017. Containing 1,000 tulip bulbs, the international symbol of friendship and...
Contributed photo On October 9, Port Hawkesbury parishioners gathered for a duel celebration in St Joseph Parish Hall after Sunday Mass. Father Conrad Edwards celebrated his birthday (right) and Deacon Berkley Guthro (left) celebrated his fifth anniversary of being ordained a Deacon.
KEPPOCH MOUNTAIN: On October 16, Sean Fraser, Member of Parliament for Central Nova, announced two contributions totaling $99,290, through the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (CIP150), for recreational projects in Antigonish County. An $88,900 non-repayable contribution will support the Positive...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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