PORT HAWKESBURY: The Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Strait Area Campus has introduced a new program to help students gain hands-on work experience. On Friday, the NSCC officially unveiled a new two-year pilot project through the Make Way Campaign for...
PORT HAWKESURY: With three of its school feeder system reviews now complete and none on the horizon for the coming academic year, the Strait regional school board (SRSB) will devote more time to putting its school bus routes under...
ARICHAT: Council has agreed to send a letter to the transportation minister about the lack of roadside brush and weed clearing this past summer. During the regular monthly meeting of Richmond Municipal Council on September 24, Deputy Warden James Goyetche...
GUYSBOROUGH: The municipality’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) says no decisions get made behind closed doors. During last week’s regular monthly meeting of council for the municipality of the District of Guysborough, CAO Barry Carroll told council of the 39 public...
INVERNESS COUNTY: The Municipality of the County of Inverness has hired Commander David A. Coulombe as director of the new Department of Infrastructure and Emergency Services (previously referred to as the Public Works Department). Coulombe is currently...
PORT HAWKESBURY: Strait regional school board (SRSB) has rejected changes to its policies that would have affected how board members can use technology to participate in meetings remotely. Following a discussion at the SRSB’s regular monthly meeting on January 3,...
PORT HAWKESBURY: A local student wants to establish a more environmentally-friendly way of dealing with organic waste in Port Hawkesbury. Chad Kelly, a second-year Natural Resources and Environmental Technologies student at Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) has been working on...
GUYSBOROUGH: The Municipality of the District of Guysborough hopes to recruit new doctors by showing them what the community has to offer. Last week, municipal councillors and representatives of the Guysborough Memorial Hospital Foundation met with a potential new doctor...
HALIFAX: Removing asbestos at power stations, including a local facility, could cost the province’s power provider a lot of money. In a letter to Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board regulatory affairs officer/clerk Doreen Friis, Nova Scotia Power (NSP) capital...
PORT HASTINGS: Two familiar faces returned to their posts at the Strait regional school board (SRSB) following the board’s official post-election swearing-in ceremonies. East Richmond representative Francine Boudreau was returned as the SRSB’s chair, as no other board members challenged...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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