Although it’s not a store I visited frequently, I felt a pang of regret when Sears filed for bankruptcy, and that pain worsens around the Christmas season. It’s not that it wasn’t expected. The company had suffered a long and...
It is exhausting being worried and stressed out about the state of the world all the time, isn’t it? I have been consumed with news since the beginning of this year, even more so than usual. Between the teachers’ labour...
While the composition of a cell and the history of the Revolutionary War are important parts of school curriculum, I would argue that one of the most important lessons in my son’s high school classes this year has been the...
“Why can’t you wait until I’m dead?” my grandmother would laugh, half joking and half annoyed. “Don’t talk like that! You’re not dead, you’re here to tell me what can be thrown out. If this place ever caught fire, it’d...
This may be an issue only a woman can understand. Men may sympathize or even offer suggestions, but unless you’ve been forced to walk in circles or jump in place in the middle of a crowd, the magnitude of...
I expect by next year I will retire a multi-millionaire. I will build a mansion on a hill in Craigmore, hire a full-time housekeeper, get myself some Blue Jays season tickets right behind the on-deck circle, keep an aesthetician...
I don’t have any distinct style, never have. I wear what’s on sale, and it’s usually black. One thing I am known for, though, is my shoes. I don’t like to wear socks, so I’m the person who will still...

Bill 75

I had a column all ready to submit tonight for the publishing deadline, but then today happened. I am sitting on my couch with my jaw hanging open. It’s no secret that I am in favour of a complete overhaul...
Let’s talk work. After all, we’ve just celebrated Labour Day, which not only marks the unofficial end of summer, but also celebrates our daily grind. Labour Day is supposed to be a yearly tribute to what...
One of my friends announced good news the other day by posing her youngest daughter in a pink dress and with a sign that read: “Soon-to-be middle child. Good thing I can’t read yet.” Predictably, justifiably, people in our group...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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