Apparently I live a cluttered life, or so I’ve been led to believe by the barrage of e-mails, advertisements, podcasts, webinars, and TV shows reminding me that closets need to be organized, countertops need to be cleared, and drawers...
I will always remember those times with a toddler. I’d be on my hands and knees on the hard tile floor, creeping from couch to coffee table to TV stand, looking for lost treasure. Tailing me (quite literally) was a...
Is there anything worse than traffic? I don’t mean just a large volume of vehicles – as long as it’s moving, it doesn’t matter if there are two cars or 2,000, I’m not bothered by busier...
How was everyone’s holidays? Peaceful and relaxing and surrounded by friends and family, I hope. If you’ll bear with me, this column will be old news by now, but I’d still like to get it out of my system. Has...
There was another mass shooting. Actually, if we’re nitpicking, there have been a total of 16 mass shootings in the United States in the less-than-three short weeks of 2017. Sixteen. Think about that. The one I’m referring to is the...
When I was in university, I walked into my apartment one night after work and my oldest son, just a baby at the time, was asleep for the night. I was going to school full time and working six...
People have been making thoughtless, insensitive, sometimes stupid statements since long before the Internet was even invented, but never more than since it has been. Some of the finest examples come from Backfire-ers, as I like to call them. These...
I know it’s the middle of summer and the last thing on anyone’s mind is the thought of the school year, but a study just released this week confirms my long-held suspicion about kids in this generation. For too long,...
Is it safe anywhere anymore? That’s the question we keep asking ourselves and each other. No place seems to be safe from homicidal craziness, and the massacre in Las Vegas has only helped to worsen people’s growing unease. Over the past...
Are you in need of good news? Craving a story that will make your day? Hoping for a true-life anecdote to keep you smiling when the news is hard to watch? I am, especially with the current state of the...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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