This may be an issue only a woman can understand. Men may sympathize or even offer suggestions, but unless you’ve been forced to walk in circles or jump in place in the middle of a crowd, the magnitude of...
I was going to write about the Blue Jays this week, but I’m going to wait to see if they can pull off a playoff spot before I sum up the season. Instead, I’ll talk traffic. If you’re ever in...
For the past several years, I’ve noticed people toting what seems to me a curious accessory. They come in all sizes and shapes, and many of my friends won’t leave home without one: water bottles They’re...
I will always be nostalgic about Halloween. Now that my kids aren’t little kids anymore, I don’t have costumes to shop for and faces to paint. Most of my piles of decorations stay in bins in the basement. It...
There are lots of important stories in the news, about the U.S.-North Korea summit and the Stanley Cup playoffs, about flooding in New Brunswick and escalating tensions between Iran and Israel. I’m well aware of those, truly I am,...
Apparently I live a cluttered life, or so I’ve been led to believe by the barrage of e-mails, advertisements, podcasts, webinars, and TV shows reminding me that closets need to be organized, countertops need to be cleared, and drawers...
I wanted a Cabbage Patch Kid so badly in 1984. And not just regular, kid-level ‘want’, I mean I shed tears over this thing, crying to my parents about how I had to have one. I don’t ever remember asking...
In the realm of the world’s biggest lies, somewhere in the vicinity of “My diet starts Monday” and “I’m never drinking again,” ranks this whopper: “Mashed cauliflower tastes exactly like mashed potatoes.” This is just the first in a litany...
After raining for what seemed like weeks and having to cover my flowers to protect them from overnight frost, the other day I woke up to beautiful weather. In fact, by the time I pulled into my driveway after work,...
Almost two years in, there’s no doubt the #MeToo movement has brought about change. Women have felt empowered to tell their stories, and companies have made improvements to their harassment policies. People in a variety of fields, of a variety...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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