While the composition of a cell and the history of the Revolutionary War are important parts of school curriculum, I would argue that one of the most important lessons in my son’s high school classes this year has been the...
This was the first year in almost two decades that neither of my kids filled out Valentines. It didn’t even occur to me until I started seeing pictures and status updates on Facebook referencing the once-grim task of having a...
“You know they have stores there?” I heard from the other side of my bedroom, as an unnamed critic watched me pack for a recent trip. “We’re not going to the remote wilderness, we’re going to Las Vegas.”
“What do you keep in here? It weighs 20 pounds.” This is my son’s remark, as I instruct him to grab some lunch money from my purse. “Everything we need.” I retort, having answered this question...
We all know “that person” – the one with no filter, who jumps at the chance to share their opinions in mixed company, regardless of how unpopular those opinions might be. Everyone knows someone like that. He’s the guy at...
If you’ll indulge me for a few hundred words, I’d like to tell you about my recent vacation. I have never been terribly interested in going to Florida, to be honest. A lot of my friends went when they were...
You’ll be forgiven if, like me, you missed The Big Birthday, what with busy lives and all the usual horrors dominating the news. Nevertheless, it’s not too late to issue best wishes to the one thing that has changed our...
Remind me again why we have Daylight Saving Time? I’ve heard all the arguments: now we can barbeque at 7 p.m.; now we can walk later in the evening; now we’ll have more time to do things – but none...
It was bound to happen. It was only a matter of time before somewhere, sometime, somehow, the universal disease of self-aggrandizement combined with our unnerving penchant for voyeurism to produce tragedy. I read a lot of terrible things on-line, but...
I have a friend who is very excited about her workplace. I don’t mean her employer (though she seems perfectly happy with that, too), I’m talking about the actual area where she sits to do her job. After reading...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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