1985: My introduction to Tom Petty comes from, of all people, “Weird Al” Yankovic, whose first album includes a spoof of Petty’s duet with Stevie Nicks, “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around.” As my 13-year-old ears take in the accordion-heavy...
It is dismaying that minorities in Nova Scotia have to continue fighting for basic human rights. On September 25, Centre La Picasse was the site for a forum on effective representation hosted by a commission tasked with consulting Acadians, Francophones...
In the Mi’kmaw calendar, October is Wikewiku’s, or animal fattening month. This is a time of plenty in terms of food supplies for many animals but that situation will change dramatically as the ground freezes and is then covered with...
The world didn’t end last weekend. If you’re reading this, you’ve dodged the apocalypse yet again. September 23 came and went and you, like me, still have to pay your bills, walk your dog, and fold your laundry. That Saturday...
The Trump Presidency can be considered a disaster now, right? I mean, what is going on? He’s managed to pretty much unite everyone who wasn’t in his camp from the get-go, has he not? At this point, I am not...
In 1971, Intermediate baseball was not the only game in town. A hastily formed team of Midget-age players was cobbled together to represent Richmond County in the Cape Breton Regional Summer Games. Without so much as an exhibition game under...
Cathy and I were in Halifax for about 48 hours last week. We didn’t listen to Q104 the entire time we were there, and as a result of the issue I’m about to discuss in this column, we’ll never listen...
Editor’s note: The following was a statement read recently by Inverness MLA Allan MacMaster in the Nova Scotia Legislature. Allan J. MacEachen was a man of faith who had the wisdom that comes from it; wisdom that created social programs...
Two recent events illustrate how difficult it is to maintaining historic buildings and properties without the proper resources. On September 5, the historic Commercial Cable Station in Hazel Hill came down. In 1884, the newly created Commercial Cable Company established its...
It seems like forever ago, but also like yesterday. I was sitting in front of the TV watching the White House daily press briefing, as I do quite often, and Sean Spicer was behind the podium, as he always was....

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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