I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of district 6 in Inverness County for your support and faith in my ability to represent you as your councillor. On October 15, I was humbled by the voice...
In West Arichat in 1862, a portion of land was procured from the diocese, and a two-storey building was erected to accommodate classrooms on the first floor and a convent on the second. Les Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes oversaw the...
I sit here still incredulous. Somehow, impossibly, contrary to every prediction I have made over the past 18 months, contrary to almost every poll and survey and projection available, Donald Trump became the newpresident-elect of the United States. I have no...
It’s been a whole seven or so hours since Hillary Clinton conceded the election to Donald Trump and I am still in shock. Donald Trump, who before this election you would have known as the “You’re Fired guy” from The...
“Sorry I’m late for the meeting. I was just getting into the polling booth when I got your call. Now, what’s all this about?” “I’m afraid it’s about your son. He’s been incredibly disruptive in the classroom, the playground and...
Earlier this year, the Liberal government launched a consultative process on Canada’s defence policy. While Conservatives remain skeptical of the government’s intentions, especially given this government’s tendency to embark upon endless consultative processes rather than make the hard decisions inherent...
A former Canadian Prime Minister returned to the Strait area recently, and after this visit, the region’s largest educational institution will be forever changed. On October 26, StFX alumnus and former PM Brian Mulroney returned to the Antigonish campus to...
Historically, young men and women in this area have gone “down the road” seeking a brighter future than could be anticipated at home. This phenomenon began in the mid-1800s when our sea-based economy stalled. The economic depression of the 1870s,...
Here’s the good news: by the time you read this, the presidential election will be over. One can only hope we will have survived the endless cycle of attack ads with our dignity and sanity intact, despite there having...
The opioid epidemic that is gripping North America is an emerging issue for Nova Scotians and for our healthcare system. Misuse of opioids, such as hydromorphone, oxycodone and morphine, has been a significant problem in Nova Scotia for more than...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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