Inverness County Cares (ICC) has been supporting St. Charles Lwanga School in Kenya for four years. The school was founded by Brother Kennedy Oronjo, who is a 2012 graduate of the Coady International Institute in Antigonish. The students are mostly...
Much of the landforms of Cape Breton are made up of hard resistant plateaus such as those of Northern Cape Breton. The edges are steep and drop abruptly to the sea or to deep river valleys and ravines. Many of...
This week, meet two very different Canadian comics who used their fame, wit and creativity to remind us all that there’s nothing wrong with finding either humour or pride in the simple act of being Canadian. And, as an added...
Seeing as how I have never watched an entire baseball game all the way through on television, I might as well do a running Diary of Game 7. Since both teams haven't won the title since at least the 40s...
On October 15 during the elections for councillors in the Municipality of Richmond and the school board members for the Strait regional school board, it was reported that Lian Sampson-Parsons had more votes that George Kehoe, her opponent. On...
The Strait Area Chamber of Commerce wishes to congratulate those joining or returning to our region’s municipal councils. We also thank the many strong candidates who put their names forward to serve. This election has brought significant change to municipal...
The following officers served the Isle Madame RCMP detachment from its inception in 1952: · Kennedy, J.F.G.A. (Jerry): October 22, 1952-October 4, 1953 ·  Stewart, W.W.: July 1953-August 17, 1953 ·  Spooner, M.J.: December 1951 August 1953-September  1954 ·  Cormier, J.E.: November 1955-December 11, 1955 · ...
So we got a visit from Brian Mulroney last week. That kind of a sentence carries a vastly different flavour than it did only 25 years ago, when Bruce MacKinnon summed up a Prime Ministerial arrival in Nova Scotia with...
Although the aforementioned voter turn-out for recent school board and municipal elections was disturbingly low, it is encouraging that the Strait area’s elected bodies will have a new look in the coming four-year term. Richmond County saw one of the...
Seeing as how municipal councils are getting sworn in for a new term, here’s a little advice for the newbies and a bit of a refresher for the reruns. For those questioning my qualifications for offering municipal councillors advice, I...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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