At a certain point, the dramatic turn of events surrounding the Strait area’s recent municipal and school board elections defies description. We now have three new mayors and we’ll soon see a minimum of two new wardens sworn in. Three...
During Hurricane Matthew, I didn’t spend hours glued to my television set or checking my phone for weather updates. When a hurricane gets too close, I don’t default to Defcon 1 mode, but instead exercise what I consider to...
Who wants a random column? You do. That’s who. My friends and I watching the teaser trailer for the third Wolverine movie dovetailed into a discussion of other superhero properties owned by 20th Century Fox. This naturally led to a...
The autumn colour season is just about over. We were all expecting that the colours might be not as good as other years because of the dry summer season, but in places, they are as brilliant as ever. Now it...
I’m wondering if any of your readers might have contact details for Jimmy and Colleen Cook who left French Cove (near St. Peter’s) for western Canada back in 2006. We purchased their house and land at that time and during...
What a difference a year can make. One year ago we watched with excitement as Canadians went to the polls and elected a new Liberal government. I was humbled by the trust that you placed in me and I have...
With municipal and school board elections in the Strait area now over, one important question remains; why did so few people vote? On October 15, after voters across the region went to the polls to choose mayors, councillors or school...
A new council has been elected and the Municipality of the County of Richmond is at a pivotal chapter in its history. With the results of a forensic audit now in the hands of elected officials and staff, and the...
The Capt'n Kenny's Fresh fish and chips truck parks in a church parking lot in Port Hawkesbury for a couple of months each year. Recently, his vendor fee skyrocketed from $300 per year to between $1,500$ to $2,000 per year...
Last Spring saw the introduction of an Environmental Bill of Rights for Nova Scotia, which died on the floor with no support from the current McNeil government. This bill had a lot to offer – like real community consent for...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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