In studying the history of a village, town or county, it is those individuals who had an impact on the life of their time who receive the recognition – and rightfully so. Successful entrepreneurs...
By: Yvonne Fox The Port Hastings Historical Society had its first meeting in 1979, preparing for the 25th anniversary of the official opening of the Canso Causeway on August 13, 1980.
It was so very encouraging that the provincial and federal governments, listened to the public, changed their minds, and decided to order a full public inquiry into the horrific events of last April in central Nova Scotia.
Last week, local and provincial editions of our newspapers and posts on social media published sensationalized accounts of “Nazi” enclaves in Cape Breton. The article taken from Der Spiegel, a German weekly news magazine...
It wasn’t her size that impressed me as much as her silence. Female moose can weigh just shy of 800 pounds, but to watch that mass of mammalian muscle tear through the waist high...
By the summer of 1953, Arthur Langley, Sr. was in his second year of his sixth term as Mayor of the town of Port Hawkesbury (first term began in 1928). He was 65 years...
As the sun sets on my time as auditor general of Nova Scotia, I want to express my thanks to all Nova Scotians for their appreciation and respect for the office’s work during my six years of...
The first missionary to visit Arichat was Father Bailly de Messein, a native of France serving in the diocese of Quebec. Father Bailly was replaced by Father Bourg who directed the parishioners to build...
While it might seem contradictory that StFX’s plan to resume in-person classes was criticized, while plans by the provincial government to re-open public schools in September are receiving support, a closer examination should provide ample explanation.
By: Yvonne Fox “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” That was the attitude that the Mayor of Mulgrave, Leonard O’Neil, had in 1952 when he realized that...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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