JOHNSTOWN: With Canada’s 150th birthday only weeks away, this Richmond County community has joined the Bras d’Or Lake portion of the country’s first nationwide trail system. A Saturday morning ceremony saw the official debut of Johnstown Landing, which provides a...
ORT HAWKESBURY: Making newcomers feel welcome – be they refuges, immigrants, or just people from away – was the goal at the heart of the Nova Scotia Community College’s Welcoming Newcomers event held at the NSCC Strait Area Campus. “We...
JOHNSTOWN: According to one of the organizers, this summer’s annual Johnstown Milling Frolic will be one of the last celebrations to be held at the old Johnstown Parish Hall, and they want to go out with a...
HALIFAX: As a result of funding assistance from the federal government and partnerships with various groups, the province announced more land that will be protected. The federal government’s Canada Nature Fund Target 1 Challenge...
PORT HAWKESBURY: A Sydney-based group is looking for support from the town to deal with a steeply declining population. New Dawn Enterprises wants to develop a regional immigration strategy aimed at attracting and retaining newcomers to Cape Breton. At Port...
PORT HAWKESBURY: Students in the business administration, office administration, social services and behaviour intervention programs at the Nova Scotia Community College had the opportunity to mingle with industry representatives during a networking session last Thursday. The Fall Connections...
GUYSBOROUGH: Shifting the focus of the Desmond Fatality Inquiry to the access to firearms, from access to health care services, a New Brunswick RCMP officer who confiscated retired Cpl. Lionel Desmond’s rifle in 2015 testified he did so because he...
DARTMOUTH: The Nova Scotia Nature Trust (NSNT) announced plans to protect as many as 15 new conservation sites, including two in the Strait area. Maggie Sutherland, communications coordinator with the NSNT, told The Reporter that the lands in question include...
PAQTNKEK: The Government of Canada is investing in Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation’s flagship development Bayside Travel Centre (BTC). Through the Community Opportunity Readiness Program (CORP), Paqtnkek will receive a total of $3.9 million; $2.9 million was provided for...
ST. PETER’S: Sales of a popular t-shirt have resulted in the donation of technology to facilities and groups in the Strait area. About a month ago, Wendy Owens Abbott performed on the Facebook group...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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