HALIFAX: As a result of funding assistance from the federal government and partnerships with various groups, the province announced more land that will be protected. The federal government’s Canada Nature Fund Target 1 Challenge...
STRAIT AREA: This year, for the first time, Canada is acknowledging the dark history of residential schools with a federal holiday; a day to honour the lost children and the survivors of a shameful chapter of the...
ANTIGONISH: A community information session was held last week at the People’s Place Library to bring the Antigonish community up to speed on the status of the community solar garden project. Staff of the...
JOHNSTOWN: With Canada’s 150th birthday only weeks away, this Richmond County community has joined the Bras d’Or Lake portion of the country’s first nationwide trail system. A Saturday morning ceremony saw the official debut of Johnstown Landing, which provides a...
PORT HAWKESBURY: A community think tank hosted a discussion last week and released recommendations on ways to bring more affordable housing to the Strait area. The Town of Port Hawkesbury and the Municipality of the County of Richmond partnered with...
ST. PETER’S: Entrepreneurs were given the chance to pitch their ideas as part of a program to spur business development in rural Nova Scotia. On August 29 at the St. Peter’s Marina, the Cape Breton Partnership and...
PORT HAWKESBURY: On a morning that saw many marking the 25th anniversary of the Westray mine disaster, Kathy Betts found herself recalling an unpleasant memory of her own, in front of local community college students and staff. Betts arrived at...
ANTIGONISH: Five local Indigenous people were featured in the panel discussion “Learning Lodge: Honouring Indigenous Women” last week as part of International Women’s Week. The event, which was hosted by the StFX Anthropology Department and the Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre...
CAPE BRETON: As he retires from a 50-year career as a family doctor in rural Cape Breton, Dr. Ken Murray is worried about the future of small hospitals around the province amid a severe shortage of doctors...
PORT HAWKESBURY: A survey gauging public opinion of housing priorities in the town is now available. The Cape Breton Partnership (CBP) and the Town of Port Hawkesbury have partnered to launch the survey, which...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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