Premier Tim Houston’s announcement of a new way forward with the building of new health infrastructure last week is indeed good news. Scrapping the last government’s outdated, ill-advised and expensive reorganization of health infrastructure is a year...
On October 15 during the elections for councillors in the Municipality of Richmond and the school board members for the Strait regional school board, it was reported that Lian Sampson-Parsons had more votes that George Kehoe, her opponent. On...
The village of St. Peter’s, nestled between the ocean and the Bras d’Or Lake, is where I grew up, where my family have lived and owned property for generations, and it is where I hope to retire.
My name is Danielle Duggan, I am a resident of Antigonish, a parent, and a concerned citizen in an active and vibrant community of engaged individuals. I am urgently concerned that not enough media attention has been given to what Bill...
  Mental health is an issue that’s important to all of us, as it touches so many of our families and friends. In fact, one in five Canadians is affected by mental illness. That’s why the government will keep looking...
The Strait regional school board’s International Student Program invites you and your family to join other families in the Strait region who enjoy the enriching and rewarding experience of becoming a host family. Imagine sharing the beauty, history and culture...
I have yet to hear from those who have written letters and are behind the scenes of this anti initiative what each of the organizations should do to make up for the $2.5 million ($125,000 per year...
On March 26, the Commission on Inclusive Education released its report, “Students First.” It is the first time in 20 years that the model of inclusion in our classrooms has been reviewed. The report is thoughtful, comprehensive and a clear...
For the past week, I have felt personally violated by our Liberal government, when news leaked that the federal government is intent on investing $18 million of taxpayers’ money in a new airport in Inverness to accommodate and patronize Cabot Links.
Housing insecurity and homelessness exist across Nova Scotia in communities of all sizes. While the realities of homelessness might be more visible in the city, people living in rural communities are also dealing with homelessness, where it’s more likely to...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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