It is dismaying that minorities in Nova Scotia have to continue fighting for basic human rights. On September 25, Centre La Picasse was the site for a forum on effective representation hosted by a commission tasked with consulting Acadians, Francophones...
Two recent cases where dying Strait area residents were unable to receive even an acceptable level of palliative care show how sick the healthcare system really is. Last month, Cape Breton-Richmond MLA Alana Paon questioned Premier Stephen McNeil and Health...
Nature means many things to many people, some of us drawn to the cascading rhythm of beaches or rocky shorelines, others to the quiet dignity of ancient forests, others still to public gardens and the ornateness of urban green space.
In 1812 Bishop Plessis assumed responsibility for the Parish of Arichat. He wrote that the people of the area depended primarily on the seafaring trade and the industries associated with it. In fact, he noted 60 vessels...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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