I’ll remember the last full week of January for a long time, particularly the 72-hour window that saw shocking falls from grace for three political heavyweights, sweeping changes for Nova Scotia’s education system, the swan song of a veteran...
By: James Mupito and Sister Agnes Bwalya I am 13 years old and in Grade 1 at St Mary’s Special School in Kawambwa. There are six children in my...
This past year will definitely be remembered as one of the most tumultuous in recent memory. The year was dominated by the global novel coronavirus pandemic, the scope of which was known early in...
Atlantic Canada is a special place to live, work and explore, with unique wild spaces, rare animals and plants found nowhere else in the world. When nature thrives, so do people
Recently my wife Betty and I were relaxing with our glasses of wine while patiently waiting for the full moon’s lunar glow to peek from behind the clouds. During our hour of observation, two cars drove past our home. I...
Considering the questions that need to be answered, and the amount of interest that’s been generated, holding a plebiscite seems to be the best way to decide the Antigonish consolidation debate. After months of...
As much as I’m happy to see September arrive, part of me hates to leave August behind. That’s likely because the month of August is responsible for some of the most life-changing, transformative, growth-building and heart-filling moments I’ve ever had....

Fougere: Part 2

France declared war on England in 1744. News from Europe reached Louisbourg before any other port in North America. The war had a direct impact on the life of Jean Fougere. The governor at Louisbourg took the initiative and licensed...
Two recent events illustrate how difficult it is to maintaining historic buildings and properties without the proper resources. On September 5, the historic Commercial Cable Station in Hazel Hill came down. In 1884, the newly created Commercial Cable Company established its...
You’ve gotta wonder what’s happening in Florida, right? That state is like the problem child of the United States. Anytime a big story breaks, one of my first thoughts is: I bet that’s in Florida. I used to think I...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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