When my oldest son was at the end of Grade 6, I remember thinking, “Lord, help me. He’ll be off to high school in two years. At his Grade 8 “graduation” ceremony in June of 2012, there was a slideshow...
September marks the beginning of the rutting season for moose (in Mi’kmaq it is called tia’m) in the Bras d’Or Lake Biosphere. This time is exciting for the amorous moose and the hunters. The noisy antics of the excitable males...
Cecile Boudrot, daughter of Louis Boudrot and Barbe Fougere, was married at around 1780 to Simon Forest. At her husband’s death she became a tavern keeper at Arichat. She was grandmother to MLA Honore Martell and Rev. Guillaume Marin LeBlanc...
A quote that can be seen on a wall at Mulroney Hall on the campus of StFX University in Antigonish has generated plenty of debate. The statement was made to former Prime Minister and StFX alumnus...
COVID-19 continues to be an evolving global challenge, and our priority remains the health and safety of Canadians. Our government is working with the provinces and territories to respond to the outbreak and have taken decisive measures to minimize the...
February 2, 1916: Leonard Petitpas, son of Edmund Petitpas and Marine Fougere, married Cecile Landry, daughter of Felix Landry and Zelie (Cecile) Poirier, witnesses were Valma Petitpas and Anna Corly or Lorly February 2, 1916: Ambrose Albert Poirier, son of...
Nova Scotia’s Official Opposition is pounding the governing Liberals over their decision to move the Outpatient Withdrawal Management Program (also known as daytox) from the Strait-Richmond Hospital last spring. Months after it was quietly...
Ephrem Boudreau wrote Riviere Bourgeois from which this history is taken and translated. Acadians were, for the most part, men of the sea because many of their ancestors came from French maritime ports, or...
I recently returned from Las Vegas. Let me tell you about it. Anyone who knows me, knows I love Britney Spears, I always have. She’s was one of very few remaining stops on my concert bucket list, but I didn’t...
Although StFX University is going beyond what is expected of them when it comes to masking rules, the fact the Antigonish campus is not going all the way is disappointing. StFX’s Academic Vice President...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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