Do you feel that, Strait area? Did you notice the tides of change washing through Port Hawkesbury as 2019 began, crashing through years – decades – of cynicism to bring a sea of new hope and optimism on the night...
A former employee of the Municipality of the County of Richmond is correct that the current council needs to conduct a review of her termination so that it doesn’t happen to others. On Dec....
“Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory.” —John Kenneth Galbraith. On Oct. 22, 2013, the new Liberal government of Nova Scotia was sworn in, and among other things, the political rebranding...
As a former business owner, volunteer, and active community member, I am pleased to add my support to Cabot’s proposed golf course development for West Mabou. What a great opportunity for our community and the surrounding areas.
Cape Breton is rich in musical talent. Names such as Lee Cremo and Natalie MacMaster come quickly to mind, but not to be forgotten from tiny Richmond County, and even tinier Isle Madame, are international performers and...
The better you are prepared, the better chance you will have of staying on top of everything that is coming your way, has been advice that most parents have tried to pass on to their children from time immemorial. Another...
Editor’s note: The following letter was written to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Chuck Porter. Dear Mr. Porter, As a citizen of Richmond County, I have serious concerns regarding the recent actions of three...
On the first Sunday morning in April, I found out that Jean McNamara had passed away the previous day. (Among other things, this means God shared her with us for precisely 72 years and one day.) Roughly six hours later,...
There are complaints about the lack of information on the redesign of the rotary in Port Hastings. During the regular monthly meeting on July 7 in Port Hood, Inverness municipal councillors said they want...
Why is the provincial government now changing its tune on equalization? This is the Liberal government’s own words, when in opposition, regarding the under-funding of equalization to towns and municipalities. If you read on, you will see...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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