To parents

I am not a teacher, I’m not married to a teacher, neither of my parents are teachers, and the closest ties I have to teachers are some extended family members and friends. So I don’t speak for them and...
It is an absolutely distressing statistic that in 2019 Cape Breton Island (CBI) again nearly tripled the national average on consumer bankruptcy and accompanying consumer insolvency are more than double. Nationally, in 2018 and 2019, Canadian consumers...
Do I care if Donald Trump had an affair? Nope. My sex life isn’t any of his business. Do I care if the alleged affair was with a porn star? As a matter of fact, I care even less about...
The Las Vegas Golden Knights finally have a team, thanks to last week’s expansion draft. I realize teams need to be made up of players and those players don’t just magically appear, particularly for expansion organizations, but there has to...
I recently played a part, and played some music, in a theatrical adaptation of The Passion that ran twice at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Judique on Good Friday. One of our last rehearsals took place on the final Sunday...
Editor’s note: The following letter was written to Mulgrave Mayor Ralph Hadley and the rest of Mulgrave Town Council. It seems like you understand the situation here in rural Nova Scotia. Nova Scotians for...
The book Acadian Lives consists of interviews with Cape Breton Acadians and was collected and edited by Ronald Kaplan with Rosie Aucoin Grace. The book was published in 2004 and includes an interview with Walter Dugas of West Arichat: “I...
We hear Cabot Links is a proposing a commercial airport for Inverness, suggesting it would help attract more people to Cape Breton Island’s tourism attractions. It appears the $18 million to pay for it would be ours. No word on...
The federal equalization program as administered does raise some questions for citizens in the economically struggling areas of Nova Scotia. Why is the town of Mulgrave probably the next town to dissolve? Why have...
January 20, 1908: John MacDonald of Arichat (son of Angus MacDonald and Mary Normuth), married Marie Elizabeth Poirier (daughter of Elie Poirier, Captain and Julie LeBlanc), witnesses were John Forrest and Seraphine MacDonald January 11, 1908: Freddie Fougere married Marie...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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