The way we produce, consume and discard food is no longer sustainable. That much is clear from the newly released UN climate change report which warns that we must rethink how we produce our food —...
As early as the late 19th century, there was pressure to provide some type of permanent crossing to connect Cape Breton to the mainland. After World War II, with the increase in steel and coal production, as...
“The ancient Romans, for example, believed that eating more than one large meal, per day, was unhealthy.” This from the study, “Fasting as a Therapy in Neurological Disease” from the US National Library of Medicine/National Institutes...
The opioid epidemic that is gripping North America is an emerging issue for Nova Scotians and for our healthcare system. Misuse of opioids, such as hydromorphone, oxycodone and morphine, has been a significant problem in Nova Scotia for more than...
This letter is in regards to the article “Premier calls palliative care shortcomings ‘unacceptable’” in the April 25, 2018 edition of The Reporter. The Strait Richmond Palliative Care Society wants to ensure that the information circulated remains accurate. The article mentioned...
The book Acadian Lives consists of interviews with Cape Breton Acadians and was collected and edited by Ronald Kaplan with Rosie Aucoin Grace. The book was published in 2004 and includes an interview with Walter Dugas of West Arichat: “I...
I believe that much of rural Nova Scotia is within a lifestyle and employment crisis: populations are declining, traditional job opportunities are less, municipal tax bases are dwindling and attracting residents is becoming both more difficult and...
Despite claims from the provincial government that improvements have been made, and they are committed to continuing to work on it, facts on the ground are showing that the health care system might be getting worse.
It’s the type of news story that makes me queasy, the kind I dread reading and that implores me to scroll past when it pops on the screen. And yet, I can’t look away either. Without adequate words to...
Arichat, 1935: We are now on the lower road, on the water side, moving east at the store of A.D. Samson. A building located on the west side of the A.D. Samson store must at some...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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