Inverness County Cares (ICC) member John MacInnis reflected on his adventures in Zambia: “Our trip to Northern Zambia with the Chalice team was truly a trip of a lifetime! We received a warm welcome,...
The first missionary to visit Arichat was Father Bailly de Messein, a native of France serving in the diocese of Quebec. Fr. Bailly was replaced by Father Bourg who directed the parishioners to build...
This week, two disclaimers: I’m a regular contributor to CBC Radio One here in Cape Breton; and I own 29 of the 30 volumes of Don Cherry’s Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Hockey. They were all Christmas...
Many of you know that I’m fond of these colder temperatures. I like to think that my time in the Arctic toughened me up enough that the far milder Maritime winters are more manageable now, but really it has more...
Although it failed more than a decade ago, the town and county of Antigonish deserve credit for taking another stab at forming one single municipal unit. On Sept. 13, Antigonish Town Council and council...
On March 5, Premier Iain Rankin announced a $3 million compensation fund to resolve cases that involve parties with competing claims and help speed up efforts under the Land Titles Initiative, which was established in 2017 to...
What people wear and why it matters are not topics in my wheelhouse, but I’m going to talk about them anyway to point out how fads are malleable and, like politics, depend on who’s in power. In other words, a...
It takes but a quick glance at the news to find more proof (as if we needed it) that our dependence on technology is overwhelming and our addiction to social media can be potentially toxic. Prenuptial agreements with a social...
Cases where Strait area residents were convicted on child pornography charges shows there is global solution to what is becoming a growing problem locally. An Inverness County man who was sent to prison on...
Global trade impacts the lives of middle-class Canadians every day. From the blueberries you put in your oatmeal in the morning, to the mackerel you cook at night for dinner, Canadians are very much a part of important global relationships...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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