A provincial newspaper has an article on the study carried out by some consultant regarding container terminals for this province. As usual, the report reflects the pattern which has not changed in my lifetime. Everything is to be in Halifax,...
I am writing in response to an article published in the November 16 edition of The Reporter entitled “Guysborough Warden wants apology from Inverness MLA.” On October 8, I asked a question during Question Period about municipal expenses in Guysborough (the purchase...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of district 6 in Inverness County for your support and faith in my ability to represent you as your councillor. On October 15, I was humbled by the voice...
Earlier this year, the Liberal government launched a consultative process on Canada’s defence policy. While Conservatives remain skeptical of the government’s intentions, especially given this government’s tendency to embark upon endless consultative processes rather than make the hard decisions inherent...
The opioid epidemic that is gripping North America is an emerging issue for Nova Scotians and for our healthcare system. Misuse of opioids, such as hydromorphone, oxycodone and morphine, has been a significant problem in Nova Scotia for more than...
On October 15 during the elections for councillors in the Municipality of Richmond and the school board members for the Strait regional school board, it was reported that Lian Sampson-Parsons had more votes that George Kehoe, her opponent. On...
The Strait Area Chamber of Commerce wishes to congratulate those joining or returning to our region’s municipal councils. We also thank the many strong candidates who put their names forward to serve. This election has brought significant change to municipal...
I’m wondering if any of your readers might have contact details for Jimmy and Colleen Cook who left French Cove (near St. Peter’s) for western Canada back in 2006. We purchased their house and land at that time and during...
What a difference a year can make. One year ago we watched with excitement as Canadians went to the polls and elected a new Liberal government. I was humbled by the trust that you placed in me and I have...
The Capt'n Kenny's Fresh fish and chips truck parks in a church parking lot in Port Hawkesbury for a couple of months each year. Recently, his vendor fee skyrocketed from $300 per year to between $1,500$ to $2,000 per year...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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