The following excerpt is taken from Cape Breton Book of the Night edited by Ronald Caplan. This story was taped, transcribed, and translated into English by Jocelyne Marchand. “I was born in Petit de Grat in 1911. The old women...
We are all anticipating better weather with the coming April showers, and as the rhyme goes, they bring May flowers, but it also brings hungry nymph ticks. It is useful to have some knowledge...
It has been almost 20 months since the start of the pandemic in Nova Scotia. During this time, we have witnessed the resiliency of Nova Scotians, the commitment of our health care workers, the...
Ephrem Boudreau was born in River Bourgeois in 1905. After his classical studies, he spent three years at agricultural school. Here he earned bachelors’ degrees in arts and one in agricultural science. He wrote...
The health care crisis has been at the forefront of media across Nova Scotia. It has been for some time. Every tragic story of the health care system failing someone strikes at the very heart of...
By: Yvonne Fox In September, 1952, workers started blasting into the face of Cape Porcupine. The following was written by Mrs. Joseph (Marjorie) Power of Auld’s Cove on January 21,...
Year two at the Arichat seminary/school saw an increase in registration. The seminarians, some 15 or so, boarded at the old “Hubert Big House.” Forty students enrolled in the common school and academy. Though...
The first missionary to visit Arichat was Father Bailly de Messein, a native of France serving in the diocese of Quebec. Fr. Bailly was replaced by Father Bourg who directed the parishioners to build...
I am Yvonne Mary Chibwe born from a family of three. My parents’ names were Patrick Chibwe and my mother Mildred Sampa. My mother died of malaria when I was four years old. The...
Ahem: Dear Your Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth The Second of the House of Windsor… Oh, forget it. We both know that I’m not fond of that pompous nonsense. Let me try again. Dear...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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