The first store, near the houses of the three brothers, Eugene, Victor and Martial Digout, was that of Fred Carré, brother of Henri located where later Peter McLean had his and was for a time the home...
Looking back over the decades and, indeed, centuries, it is amazing to observe the numerous family names that once were common in this area. Two of those names that no longer holds a place here are Begin...
Arichat is the oldest parish in the Diocese of Antigonish. This is the fifth installment recounting its history. When Bishop MacKinnon was consecrated in February of 1852, Father Etienne Chartier was in service responsible...
Are Canadians being intentionally misled and being kept uninformed by their governments? For example, are the equalization transfers and the healthcare transfers being manipulated by governments for future outcomes that are not in the best interest of...
A total lack of communication and coordination between health care professionals, provincial departments and civilian and military authorities let down retired Cpl. Lionel Desmond, and helped contribute to the tragic deaths of his family. During the Desmond...
Editor’s note: The following letter was written to Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil. Democracy was defined by Abe Lincoln in the Gettysburg address as “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” While this is indeed an American...
Ephrem Boudreau was born in River Bourgeois in 1905. After his classical studies from 1922 to 1928, he spent three years at agricultural school. There he earned bachelors’ degrees in arts and one in agricultural science. In addition, he...
If you’ve had a test or procedure in any one of the hospitals or health centres operated by the Nova Scotia Health Authority, chances are that some of the equipment used in your care was purchased by a healthcare...

Let it steep

I’ve felt for a long time that the simple act of making tea can be a perfect metaphor for life. After all, just as we all have different ways to live our lives, tea drinkers all have their own way...
On January 8, Inverness County Cares member Betty Jane Cameron departed on her third trip to volunteer at the St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School in Kenya. Betty Jane Cameron brought nine bags of clothing, personal items and donated musical instruments....

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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