Are Canadians being intentionally misled and being kept uninformed by their governments? For example, are the equalization transfers and the healthcare transfers being manipulated by governments for future outcomes that are not in the best interest of...
In 1971, Intermediate baseball was not the only game in town. A hastily formed team of Midget-age players was cobbled together to represent Richmond County in the Cape Breton Regional Summer Games. Without so much as an exhibition game under...
I find it exhausting when we declare problems unsolvable, as though dedicated dollars and engineering haven’t already granted us the gifts of flight, cell phones and space travel. By comparison, the things we have yet to...
Air travel is not for the faint-hearted, nor is it for the impatient. Or for those of us who like peace and quiet, or prefer to stick to schedules, or despise lines, or who love personal space. The number of...
With two green hydrogen and ammonia projects expected to use water from Landrie Lake, and the expected influx of more residents once construction and operation starts, will the water source be able to handle the increased usage?
It strikes me that there is a battle of the brands occurring in Mabou with Cabot Cape Breton’s return proposal for an 18 hole golf course at West Mabou Beach Provincial Park. Mabou is...
Around the time of the American War of Independence there were those who maintained their loyalty to Great Britain and did not support a violent revolution. These “Tories” also referred to as Loyalists found themselves in a...
The federal government has dropped the ball once again, on how they’re dealing with the roll out of a new initiative involving cannabis. It’s hard to believe the government that was forward-thinking enough to legalize the use...
Editor’s note: The following letter was written to Mulgrave Mayor Ralph Hadley and the rest of Mulgrave Town Council. It seems like you understand the situation here in rural Nova Scotia. Nova Scotians for...
While it may have come as a shock to some, it is clear Nova Scotians wanted a new party at the helm of their next provincial government. After the votes were counted on Aug....

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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