HALIFAX: Projects at three local schools are part of the province’s five-year school capital plan. The updated 2020-25 plan was released Feb. 2 and the province is calling for an additional $64.2 million in...
STRAIT AREA: Events continue to happen at elementary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions throughout the Strait area as StFX University and the Strait Regional Centre for Education (SRCE) celebrate African Heritage Month. In Antigonish, there...
HALIFAX: The province’s electoral boundaries commission is getting to work. On March 27, the provincial government introduced legislation that would amend the House of Assembly Act to allow the province to designate mandatory terms of reference to guide the electoral...
ANTIGONISH COUNTY: The warden for the Municipality of the County of Antigonish says while the infrastructure and roads they’re responsible for have stood up fairly well so far this winter, throughout the county, a lot of roads...
ARICHAT: Council will soon be considering changes to the municipal noise by-law and drafting a new communications strategy. During the regular monthly meeting of Richmond Municipal Council on September 24 in Arichat, a draft of Richmond County’s noise by-law was...
ANTIGONISH: Nine months into its first major fundraising campaign, the St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Foundation (SMRHF) has reached 61 per cent of its target but is showing no signs of slowing down. Launched last September with the aim of creating...
HALIFAX: Business consultant, farmer and Isle Madame native Alana Paon will be the Progressive Conservative candidate in Cape Breton-Richmond in the upcoming provincial election. Paon was officially acclaimed on February 1. “We are currently plagued with a government in Halifax that...
ANTIGONISH: Following the arrest of an Antigonish man with a replica police car, the federal government suspended the sale of decommissioned police vehicles. Bill Blair, minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, made the...
ARICHAT: A familiar face in Strait area municipal politics has become the interim Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for Richmond County, as the municipality prepares to search for a permanent replacement for recently-departed CAO Warren Olsen. Maris Freimanis, who served as...
PORT HOOD: Last Sunday, over 120 cyclists came together for a ride to celebrate the designation of a stretch of the Celtic Shores Coastal Trail as part of the Blue Route Provincial Cycling Network. “It’s a chance to connect the...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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