PORT HAWKESBURY: The Strait area now has a permanent resource available to survivors of sexual abuse. The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre now offers a permanent sexualized trauma therapy program in the region and the Strait Area Women’s Place (SAWP) in...
WARNING: This story contains disturbing details. HALIFAX: With no surveillance cameras or cellphone footage, families of many of the victims of April 2020’s mass shooting and arson rampage in a quiet rural northern Nova...
HALIFAX: Fisheries ministers around the East Coast, as well as the federal fisheries minister, are trying to deal with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic. On March 27, federal fisheries minister Bernadette Jordan and provincial counterparts in Quebec, New...
CLYDESDALE: An 11-year-old in Antigonish County has gained a lot of experience caring for animals. Khelsea Welsh was nine years old when she received her first pet rabbit. Two years later, she tends a colony of 32. “I’d been begging for...
PORT HAWKESBURY: The town has announced an ambitious project to connect streets, roads and trails. During its committee of the whole meeting last month, town council announced the $2.2 Connector Connect Port Hawkesbury project.
MULGRAVE: The committee looking to repurpose the former Mulgrave Memorial Education Centre hosted a series of meetings last week to look at their potential options. Basil Ryan, the director of the Mulgrave and Area Revitalization Committee told...
UPPER AFTON: The proponents looking to build a local renewable energy centre will host a community information session later this month. On Dec. 16, EDF Renewables Development Inc., a market leading, independent power producer...
ARICHAT: Residential and commercial tax rates are each going up by one cent in Richmond County. During a special meeting on June 2, Richmond Municipal Council approved a residential tax rate of $0.81 per...
PORT HOOD: As a result of upcoming federal tax changes, municipal leaders in Inverness County voted to increase their honorariums in an effort to keep their net income from being decreased. “Revenue Canada is no longer identifying a third of...
ST. PETER’S: Entrepreneurs were given the chance to pitch their ideas as part of a program to spur business development in rural Nova Scotia. On August 29 at the St. Peter’s Marina, the Cape Breton Partnership and...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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