It upsets me to see litter along our highways. During the winter months, its presence is not as disturbing due to the cover of snow but now that spring has arrived, if we look,...
I often wonder why all secondary roads from 50-plus years ago were never paved during this time span? And why roads that were paved some 30-plus years ago were never upgraded or resurfaced to safety standards? The secondary roads only...
The COVID-19 virus is destructive world-wide, and causing serious illness along with deaths. It will attack any individual who is unfortunate to cross its path and it will show no mercy whatsoever. COVID-19 has become World...
When insurance coverage is most needed, this is when it ends for seniors. At age 70, we can no longer buy coverage for disability/life insurance coverage if we choose to purchase an item through...
Closing the East Coast Credit Unions’ L’Ardoise branch for two days a week on Tuesday and Thursday may not be cost saving for senior citizen members. Along with the closure brings unneeded stress to the seniors who rely on the...
As we approach Remembrance Day, I am hoping that perhaps your readership can assist me with a solemn, but important, task related to veterans. I am the coordinator of the Last Post Fund’s Unmarked...
If all politics are local politics, then federal election candidates need to get back to their grassroots and acknowledge the role municipalities play in serving all Canadians. Although most candidates will echo the line that “municipal government...
Editor’s note: The following was written to the mayor, council and taxpayers of the Town of Mulgrave. It has come to our attention that we are being asked what we are doing with the money the fire...
There are times when we enjoy getting out of Dodge via a day trip or a lengthier vacation. Those excursions enable us to temporarily put the woes of life on a back burner, to...
We have arrived at the two-year milestone for this pandemic. Much will be written about the rights and wrongs that stemmed from this viral contagion. The one thing about which we will agree is...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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