Another example of how outside-the-box thinking that can greatly benefit the Strait area took place recently during a community festival. For the annual Seaside Lobsterfest, two local fishermen volunteered to become tour guides, which attracted approximately 250 people. The tours hosted...
Looking back over the decades, and indeed, centuries, it is amazing to observe the numerous family names that once were common in the Isle Madame area. One of those names is Murphy. This surname was once very...
In 1935 on Arichat’s lower road, there was an open field between the home of Arthur LeBrun Sr. and that of Alcide Goyetche. The field and the house on it belonged to Captain Alcide Goyetche (1878-1950),...
Inverness County Cares (ICC) is a registered charity, established in 2012 and based in Inverness County. ICC was created by a group of local people who wanted to bring a better life to those in desperate need,...
If you read last week’s column, you might remember that I just made my first visit to Newfoundland and Labrador. Well, to be more accurate, I made my first two visits to Newfoundland and Labrador. They just happened to occur...
We are raising our glasses to Lenore Zann, Kody Blois, Sean Fraser, our local Members of Parliament, who helped protect hundreds of Canadian wineries and thousands of jobs Over the past two decades, the...
So we got a visit from Brian Mulroney last week. That kind of a sentence carries a vastly different flavour than it did only 25 years ago, when Bruce MacKinnon summed up a Prime Ministerial arrival in Nova Scotia with...
It is time to investigate the homes and families in the Robins-Cap Auguet area back in 1935. In 1935 the first house in Robins, on the left or south side of the road, was...
Editor’s note: The following was the winning submission in a Letter to the Editor contest for international students within the Strait regional centre for education. Being in Canada is a dream come true. It was the...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) comes up a lot these days, in politics, in media, and increasingly in daily life, a trend I hope continues as the urgency of global warming overwhelms our inaction, but just how we perceive this CO2 and...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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