Emergency Room closures in Cape Breton, Richmond County and other Nova Scotia hospitals need to be addressed as a crisis throughout the health care system. As the days, weeks, months, and years go by, the residents of...
In just a few short years, Nova Scotians will elect a PC government with Tim Houston as Premier. I am convinced that this change is coming and there’s no doubt in my mind that soon, a majority of Nova Scotians...
If what we eat is tasty, fragrant, packaged and readily available, what is not to like? Sadly much of what we eat has been affected by food processing, corporate marketing and nutritional adjustments. Humans...
I felt compelled to pen this letter regarding the new St. Peter’s Artisan Market after discovering that at least two of our community craftspeople were refused the option to display their work. I fully understand the market board does not...
For the past week, I have felt personally violated by our Liberal government, when news leaked that the federal government is intent on investing $18 million of taxpayers’ money in a new airport in Inverness to accommodate and patronize Cabot Links.
The spectacular and beloved Chimney Corner Beach is about to be sold to private interests. This beach is unique, not only as the most beautiful in Western Cape Breton, but also as the only...
We all recognize that welcoming communities are good for everyone; they’re good for current residents, they’re good for newcomers, and they’re good for our future. When people feel welcomed by the community they live...
Mr. Premier - we wanted to be part of the solution. I watched Premier McNeil on T.V. announcing his departure and again offering a few statements on how the union leaders in N.S. need...
Northern Pulp’s proposal to dump 62 million litres per day of treated waste into the rich fishing grounds of the Northumberland Strait is not any kind of a solution; it is would be an environmental calamity. That particular body of...
It should be a slam dunk for the decision makers in our province to address this issue. Here are some of the issues outlined by our most knowledgeable people, according to a provincial newspaper. March 22,...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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