GUYSBOROUGH: During her report on the library board at the Municipality of the District of Guysborough’s (MODG) regular monthly council meeting on Dec. 8, District 2 Councillor Mary Desmond talked abouy a situation that developed at the...
PORT HAWKESURY: The RCMP has laid charges after the search of a home and subsequent seizure of hydromorphone and dextroamphetamine. On July 18, members of the Inverness/Richmond Street Crime Enforcement Unit (SCEU) searched a home in Port Hawkesbury....
GOLDBORO: In the past week, the proponent looking to build a multibillion-dollar Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility in Goldboro has hired a new engineering firm to replace one that abandoned the project in July, and has also...
ARICHAT: The municipality will investigate the cost of extending water and sewer service for a housing development. During the regular monthly meeting of Richmond Municipal Council Monday night in Arichat, it was agreed that...
PORT HAWKESBURY: An experienced social worker defeated a retired mill worker, a local business owner and the town’s former CAO in Saturday’s special election for the vacant Port Hawkesbury Town Council seat. Blaine MacQuarrie, a political newcomer, came away with...
ANTIGONISH: StFX University says it’s disappointed in recent incidents of student behaviour that didn’t meet community COVID-19 guidelines and resulted in charges being laid under the Health Protection Act. “StFX is aware of tickets...
HALIFAX: The MLA for Cape Breton-Richmond, who was removed from the Progressive Conservative caucus in June, has now been locked out of her constituency office in St. Peter’s. The building’s owner, Jeff Stanley, changed the locks on...
POTLOTEK FIRST NATION: Peace and harmony will be kept and maintained on the waters of St. Peter’s Bay as a local First Nation community begins their own self-regulated fishery. Leadership between the Potlotek First...
ARICHAT: Councillors denied a request to forgive tipping fees for a group demolishing the former glebe house in Petit de Grat. The St. Joseph Parish finance committee wrote Richmond Municipal Council and explained that when the...
ABERCROMBIE, PICTOU COUNTY: A 45-year-old Sydney Mines man was arrested in Antigonish County after fleeing from the RCMP. In a press release issued yesterday, Pictou County District RCMP said they arrested Kevin Walters and...

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