PETIT DE GRAT: A steeple that once stood atop the church here has been converted to a monument detailing the history of the parish. After the cross, steeple and bell were removed from St. Joseph’s Church in Petit de Grat...
EVANSTON: The decision to close the Outpatient Withdrawal Management Program at the Strait-Richmond Hospital has the attention of the Progressive Conservative Party. Brenda Elliot, senior advisor in media relations public engagement and communications with...
ARICHAT: Residential and commercial tax rates are each going up by one cent in Richmond County. During a special meeting on June 2, Richmond Municipal Council approved a residential tax rate of $0.81 per...
HALF ISLAND COVE: The Guysborough County District RCMP said it is investigating an arson that occurred on Canso Branch Road in Half Island Cove.   On April 6 at 5:45 p.m., the RCMP received a report...
HALIFAX: As of today, Nova Scotia has 147 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Twenty new cases were identified Monday, March 30. Most cases are connected to travel or a known case. As reported yesterday, public health has...
WHYCOCOMAGH: After a petition was presented to council in February highlighting the desire for the construction of a sidewalk connecting the communities of Whycocomagh and We’koqma’q First Nation, the project has since been green lit.
PORT HOOD: Inverness Municipal Council has given its approval to increasing budgets for projects taking place on j-class roads around the municipality. During the regular monthly meeting on Sept. 2, Chief Administrative Officer Keith...
PORT HAWKESBURY: A local pharmacy is now able to offer patients a primary care clinic as part of a provincial pilot project that is looking to increase access to primary care for anyone with a valid Nova...
HALIFAX: A new partnership is blossoming at Friends United with Emergency Health Services (EHS), as the center’s Indigenous artwork initiative expands to display artwork at select paramedic stations across Nova Scotia. In an interview...
MABOU HARBOUR: A tuna fishing captain and his crew had a close encounter with a great white shark recently. “We call it the Old Man and the Sea,” tuna boat captain Andy Rankin told...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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