By: Paul Kachela I am a former student at St. Mary’s Special School and an Albino person, identified as visually impaired. Fear is a killer of self-esteem. I have lived...
Sesame Street has turned 50, and if that doesn’t make you feel old, I’m not sure what will. I’m of the Big Bird era, but I’ve watched my share of episodes over the years courtesy of...
In 2012, the St. Charles Lwanga High School (Lwanga School) in Nairobi, was founded to provide education for 280 AIDS orphans and homeless children and by 2013 it was experiencing a great need. School director, Brother John Kennedy, was a...
It has been my privilege and my pleasure to serve as municipal councillor for all of Richmond County and district 5 in particular for the past 25 years. It is therefore with some sadness and regret that I announce...
Given that we are nearing the one year anniversary of the first COVID-19 case (November 17, 2019), there are some who continue to ask if face masks help slow the spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes...
In 1971, Intermediate baseball was not the only game in town. A hastily formed team of Midget-age players was cobbled together to represent Richmond County in the Cape Breton Regional Summer Games. Without so much as an exhibition game under...
Although apparently not connected, recent large scale seizures by the RCMP of weapons and ammunition from properties around and near the region are a concern to anyone who values public safety. On Jan. 18,...
The Nova Scotia election in Nova Scotia is now over, and it appears the voting process went smoothly, although turnout was historically low with 45 per cent of eligible voters not casting ballots. Elections...
This time of year is usually about arrivals, not departures. Little ones eagerly wait for Santa Claus to slide down the chimney or show up at the mall. Christians celebrate the arrival of God’s son in their world, while also...
Sorry folks. I wasn’t able to hit Wonder Woman this week so I’ll have to postpone my commentary. I will get it to you next week. In the mean time, it’s random thought time. Here we go. First of all, the...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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