ANTIGONISH: A four-season outdoor recreation facility is being supported by the Municipality of the County of Antigonish with a financial contribution in the tune of $10,000. A cheque presentation was made during the regular...
GUYSBOROUGH: Effective immediately, the Municipality of the District of Guysborough has issued a new dog by-law that removes breed-specific restrictions. The new by-law removes the mention of Pit Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, Pit...
ARICHAT: Council wants more information before proceeding with a ballot question in this fall’s municipal election. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Don Marchand told council during a virtual meeting Monday night that he sent an...
PORT HAWKESBURY: In the midst of a controversy over the firing of Richmond County’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the resignation of the warden, the Strait Area Chamber of Commerce has weighed in. A letter dated...
LOWER L’ARDOISE: Child pornography charges have been laid against a L'Ardoise man who was arrested in October 2019 on sexual assault and related offences. RCMP investigators searched the suspect's home on October 1, 2019...
ANTIGONISH: Although only three municipal districts were contested, there were interesting results from Antigonish County. After voting ended tonight, incumbents Vaughan Chisholm and Neil Corbett failed to win re-election, while Donnie F. MacDonald was...
WE’KOQMA’Q FIRST NATION: Another Cape Breton First Nations community has made the decision to withdraw from the Kwilmu’kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office (KMKNO). The Chief for We’koqma’q First Nation indicated the reason why she left...
ANTIGONISH: A local community health-care navigator says part of her role is to help dispel the myths surrounding rural medicine. Taking over the role as community navigator with the Community Navigation and Physician Retention...
OTTAWA: Although a publicly funded airport proposed for the Inverness area was rejected by the federal government, stakeholders were invited to submit a revised application. On July 25, the Minister of Rural Economic Development, Bernadette...
PORT HOOD: From his hospital bed, Inverness Warden Laurie Cranton confirmed he is among the COVID-19 cases at the Inverness Consolidated Memorial Hospital. The Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) reported a new outbreak at...

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