Today we live in a time of celebrity prominence, famous people and people famous for being famous. In the days of “iron men and wooden ships,” captains were often celebrated for their intrepid and romantic travelling of...
Editor’s note: The individuals listed below are from St. John’s Parish in Arichat, unless otherwise indicated. John Josselyn Latimer married Hilda Marie Leslie Dec. 29, 1921 Charles John Howard Latimer married...
Ephrem Boudreau was born in River Bourgeois in 1905. After his classical studies, he spent three years at agricultural school. Here he earned bachelors’ degrees in arts and one in agricultural science. In addition, he acquired a diploma in...
In studying the history of a village, town or county, it is those individuals who had an impact on the life of their time who receive the recognition, and rightfully so. Successful entrepreneurs like...
Ephrem Boudreau was born in River Bourgeois in 1905. He wrote Rivière Bourgeois from which this history is taken and translated. The era of the motorized boat never really came to an end despite...
In 1755, 6,000 to 8,000 Acadians were deported to the American colonies along the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to South Carolina. Some made their way to Louisiana to live with the French settlers there....
Looking back over the decades, and indeed centuries, it is amazing to observe the numerous family names that once were common in this area. One of those names that no longer holds a place here is Muise.
Ephrem Boudreau was born in River Bourgeois in 1905. After his classical studies from 1922 to 1928 at the seminary at Trois Riviere, he spent three years at agricultural school at Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere. Here he earned bachelors’ degrees in arts...
Ephrem Boudreau wrote Riviere Bourgeois from which this history is taken and translated. List of schooners built at River Bourgeois: 1891 Partners, 25 tons, Simon Goyetche
Ephrem Boudreau was born in River Bourgeois in 1905. He wrote Rivière Bourgeois from which this history is taken and translated. CHAPTER XV The old “scow” What was...

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