I picked up some new prescription glasses this week since it’s been a few years since I purchased new glasses. I’m cheap about some things but I don’t mind paying extra for good quality lenses, since I...
Since it’s summer and we are out and about more, I’ve grouped a few unrelated things that could happen to us at this time of the year. These are things that can hurt us, but the likelihood...
Last week YouTube recommended a video to me about a ship that sunk in a hurricane, several years ago off the coast of Florida. What I found interesting was why the captain decided to sail his ship...
Some days I can really feel my age. I’m not achy when I get up in the morning, but there are days when I don’t have the stamina that I used to have. I noticed it last...
Two of the best recommendations I’ve tuned into over the last few years are to keep moving to live longer and we need to drink more water. I’m sure that experts have been saying those things for...
It’s hard to believe that September of next year will be 20 years since Hurricane Juan passed this way. I slept through the whole event that night, at my girlfriend’s townhouse overlooking Bedford basin....
For many years I was a road warrior, traveling on business across Canada and in parts of the USA. It was fun at the time, but never easy and I’m glad I don’t do...
I attended a provincial safety conference last week and I usually get at least one useful idea at these events. The thing that stood out at the meeting was not by the panel (although they had some...
When I’m on a worksite, or at a facility doing a workplace inspection, I am always surprised to find new hazards every time I walk through an area, that I hadn’t spotted earlier. One...

Port Hawkesbury Reporter
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